What are they like? / Opposite / Negative Prefixes


What are they like

Affectionate = loving = tender = full of affection. Aggressive = offensive = active. Ambitious. Anxious = full of fears = uneasy = worried = apprehensive. Bossy. Charming. Competitive. Independent. Jealous. Moody = gloomy. Rebellious. Reliable. Selfish. Sensible. Sensitive. Sociable. Spoiled. Stubborn.


Smart <> Stupid. / Shy <> Outgoing. / Quiet <> Talkative. / Lazy <> Hardworking. / Insecure = Self-confident. / Cheap <> Generous

Negative Prefixes

Ambitious <> Unambitious / Clean <> Unclean / Friendly <> Unfriendly / Imaginative <> unimaginative / Kind <> Unkind / Mature <> Immature / Organized <> Unorganized (조직적이지 않은), Disorganized (정리되지 않은) / Patient <> Impatient (Inpatient 입원환자 <> Outpatient) / reliable = dependable = trustworthy <> Unreliable / Responsible <> Irresponsible / Selfish <> Unselfish = Selfless / Sensitive <> Insensitive / Sociable = Unsociable   자료 .


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